Wednesday, April 2, 2014

staar feelings

Well, STAAR season is upon us!  My kids wrapped up the writing portion of the test today, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I'm glad it's behind us.

Everyone has an opinion about standardized testing, but the bottom line is that it happens whether we like it or not.  Personally, I can see why we need it, but it is definitely not my favorite part of the school year.  It's stressful for everyone involved.

So, as a way to (hopefully) make all of the teachers out there chuckle, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts throughout the testing day.  I think they'll probably be relatable...

When I wake up and remember we have testing that day:

When one of the kids accidentally breaks the wrong seal:

When one of my students immediately starts on the final draft instead of doing all of the planning strategies we have talked about all year long:

When it's FINALLY time for lunch:

When I'm waiting for the last few kids to finish:

When everyone in the room is finished, but we still have to sit quietly, the kids are like:

And I'm like:

 When the kids are released from testing rooms:

When I get home after a day of testing:

And then:

Hopefully, when we get the scores in, I'll be like:


  1. It's been a few years since I administered a standardized test, but I feel like this sums it up so perfectly! How is it that a day of testing can leave you so tired? Those days are exhausting! Huzzah for getting it over with. You know, until the next test rolls around.
